Smart Grid in the main stream media - not bad!
This story on yahoo is the second big mainstream Smart Grid story I've seen in the last couple weeks. I was initially concerned that it had the same flavor as this Wall Street Journal article from a few weeks back, but the tone is mostly positive. The Yahoo article seemed to be sticking to the 'fair and balanced' mandate of including some negativity at the end of the piece. Interestingly, the negativity seems to have converged on the following: The utilities are going to charge us for the priveledge of charging us more. The utilities are rolling out Smart Meters, at some cost which the public will absorb. These will allow the utilities to more closely monitor consumption patterns, and charge customers more. Most experts agree that the real story is that capital investment is unavoidable, the question is where will it go? New generation or better efficiency tools like smart metering? My concern is that most of the demonstration projects I'm hearing about seem focused on residential customers. Advanced Metering is a pretty complex concept for non-technorati. It seems better targeted for professionally managed facilities. These could include residences, but I'd rather see a professionally managed apartment complex than a single-family home.
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